Lent at The First Congregational Church of Western Springs invites us to embrace the sacred “in-between” – the space where we are constantly evolving, learning, and growing in God’s grace. As we journey together through these 40 days, we reflect on the ongoing process of deepening our faith, renewing our commitments, and drawing closer to God.

Throughout Lent, we will offer opportunities to engage in meaningful faith activities, designed to inspire spiritual growth and transformation. Together, let us walk this path of renewal, finding God in the moments of reflection, challenge, hope and all the “in-betweens”.

lenten activities and events

Mardi Gras Celebration & Prayer Service

March 4, 6-7:30pm

A celebration in Plymouth Hall where we will have a meal, march in a parade with our homemade shoebox floats (which can be made that night), receive ashes and dance to live music provided by the All In Band.

Learn why Mardi Gras is something to celebrate:

And to register for this event, click on the registration button.

Ash Wednesday

March 5, 6:30am and 6:30pm

Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent, inviting us to reflect on our spiritual journey. Let us set our intentions and seek the courage to begin and walk closer to God.

Following the 6:30am service, Rev. Dr. Richard Kirchherr will offer a reflection on his life long faith journey.

And following the 6:30pm Family-friendly service, the Labyrinth will be available to walk.

prayer partners: a lenten journey

Throughout Lent

Connect weekly (either virtually, in person, or by phone) to reflect on devotional cards by Sanctified Art, featuring thought provoking questions and heartfelt prayer from Ash Wednesday to Easter.

Reach out to Lisa@wscongo.org with questions or register below.

Vespers Evening service

Wednesdays during Lent

Our vespers service is an evening of devotional which includes prayer, quiet, Scripture and a hymn for the end of the day.

Please email Ron@wscongo.org to receive the Zoom link.

John rodger’s book study

March 13, 20, 27 and April 10 at 7pm

John will lead us in the discussion of Kind Words for Our Kind of Faith written by the Rev. Dr. Robert Kemper.

Below find out more about information about this book and reach out to ron@wscongo.org to register for the study.

Lenten family club: learn, love & grow

March 12, 19, 26 and April 9 from 5pm – 7pm

Weekly open-house events featuring a family friendly dinner and faith-filled fun activities. Come and go as you please – Everyone is welcome!

Short on time? Bring your Tupperware for a grab-and-go meal!

Reservations to Jen@wscongo.org.

March 9 10am service

Only one service will take place on March 9 at 10am. We will have a congregational meeting to vote on the new senior minister candidate, and then have a reception in Plymouth Hall. Please remember to wear your name tag!

Our words for the week are: Stranger & Neighbor and we have events to live out this call:

Bring-a-Friend Sunday gives us the opportunity to invite a friend to worship this Sunday and any Sunday during Lent.

Thank you, Neighbor! gives us the opportunity to send a warm note to our church neighbors.

Common Hope’s Supply Drive is a list of items needed for Common Hope, one of our mission partners. These items will be personally delivered by our Mission Team who leave at the end of March.

March 16

Our words for the week are: Faith & Works and we have events to live out this call:

Attend a special 11:10 Connection presentation from Richard Morrisroe.

Review Congo’s Listening Guidelines.

Enjoy Words & Music at 5pm.

Richard Morrisroe Testimony: Mr. Morrisroe shares his story about his experiences in answering Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s call for clergy to support the nonviolent movement for voting rights in Selma. As 2025 marks the 60th anniversary of the historic “Bloody Sunday”, his testimony serves as a reminder of the courage and sacrifices that shaped the Civil Rights movement.

Thoughtful man listening intently against a chalkboard background in a red polo shirt.

 Sharpen your listening skills by reviewing Congo’s Listening Guidelines.

Under One Roof…Agreeing Isn’t the Point is the theme for W&M where one can enjoy fellowship and uplifting music, and support BandWith Chicago through a free-will offering.

March 23

Our words for the week are: Rest & Grow and we have events to live out this call:

Support our 4th grade Bible Recipients.

Attend 11:10 Connection with Rev. Meredith Onion leading the discussion.

Participate in Yoga at 6pm.

A bible opened up on a wood table

A long standing tradition at First Congo is for the 4th graders to receive their very own Bible. Together in worship, we celebrate this important milestone.ne

1110 connection logo

At 11:10am, Rev. Meredith Onion will lead us in discussion about Rest & Grow, our words for the week.

yoga logo

Join Emily Epstein in the chapel every Sunday for an all-level yoga class. $10 suggested donation per class.

March 30

Our words for the week are: Lost & Found and we have events to live out this call:

Attend 11:10 Connection with Rev. Meredith Onion leading the discussion.

Pray for our Youth on Work Tour.

1110 connection logo

Rev. Kathryn Price will lead a discussion about Lost & Found at 11:10am in the Seim Room.

Youth program kids standing outside of a house

Pray for our youth as they embark on a Work Tour where they will grow in their faith through hands-on service projects at Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi.

April 6

Our words for the week are: Righteousness & Mercy and we have an event to live out this call:

Help with the Service Project for Campanions Journeying Together.

During Holy Grounds

All ages are encouraged to stop by Holy Grounds after worship and help assemble Mother’s Day card packages to support incarcerated individuals.

Learn what supplies are needed for this project here.

April 13 palm Sunday

Our words for the week are: Shouting & Silence and we have events to live out this call:

Pray for our 2025 Confirmation class.

Seek Guidance from our Pastoral Staff.

Worship at 8:45am and 10am and celebrate the day Jesus entered into Jerusalem and was greeted by the people waving palm branches.

Confirmation Worship at 11:30am where we welcome our Confirmands into our faith community.

Pastoral Ponderings

Please know we pray for our congregation and always have our doors open for private conversation. Reach out to Rich@wscongo.org, Meredith@wscongo.org, Kathryn@wscongo.org or Jean@wscongo.org to make an appointment.

April 17 Maundy Thursday

Our words for the day are: Power and Humility and we have events to live out this call:

Attend the family-friendly service at 5pm or the traditional Maundy Thursday at 8pm. After both services, the Labyrinth will be available to walk.

April 18 Good Friday

Our words for the day are: Acceptance & Resistance and we have an event to live out this call:

Walk and pray through the Stations of the Cross at 5pm in Plymouth Hall.

Good Friday is a day of solemn reflection, embracing Christ’s ultimate sacrifice and despair. Walking and praying through the Stations of the Cross is when we accompany Jesus on his final walk. As we journey through each station, we are reminded of Christ’s humility, His endurance and His boundless mercy.

The Labyrinth Walk will also be available to walk on this very solemn and sacred night.

April 20 easter sunday

Our words for the day are: Grief & Hope.

In the rising sun, singing birds, and the Earth’s whispered Alleluia, we rejoice in the empty tomb and Christ’s victory over death. Together, we give thanks to God for the promise of new life and the everlasting light of resurrection.

Worship Times

7:30am with Communion

9am & 10:30am with Brass Ensemble and Chancel Choir

The 10:30am service will be live-streamed.

Lenten Devotional 2025
Everything in Between

The Lenten Devotional is a cherished gift we share with one another, offering our unique reflections, stories, and perspectives that deepen our faith and strengthen our connection. By contributing your thoughts and experiences, you help us grow together in understanding and spirit.

This year’s theme is Everything in Between: Meeting God in the Midst of Extremes, inviting us to explore the complexities of faith—beyond simple binaries like this or that, black or white, true or false. Inspired by materials from A Sanctified Art (sanctifiedart.org), we will journey through sacred texts in the Gospel of Luke, discovering how God meets us in shades of gray, vibrant colors, and the in-between spaces of life.

We warmly invite the congregation to enjoy reading these devotionals written by members and friends in our congregation.

If you would like to receive these daily devotionals via email, please request them from beth@wscongo.org


Create a special time for your family — maybe every day — where you all can share a simple spiritual practice. Use a corner of your family room and place a candle on a table. Invite your family and God to be together. This can be such a gift to you and your family. 

Light the candle, take a few deep breaths and say a prayer (Help, Thanks, Wow), read scripture (download Lenten Scriptures below) or the First Congo devotional. Share where you saw or noticed God today. Tell each other, “God loves ___!” Create this new time at the dinner table or before bed. Even if just for a few minutes. Most importantly, be quiet and listen for God to speak to you. God is always present and with us.

Virtual Lectio Divina

We are pleased to share Marv Baldwin’s virtual Lectio Divina practice with you. Marv is a long-time member of our church and is founder of Soul Journeys. If you weren’t able to join one of the Lectio Divina groups, this is still a way for you to engage in this spiritual practice throughout Lent. Thanks, Marv!