There are so many ways First Congo seeks to provide care for those in need.
For additional resources, please visit our Spiritual Resources page.

Prayer Requests
Never underestimate the power of prayer. God is listening.
As a family of faith, it is important that we support one another in any way we can. One way, of course, is praying for each other in times of need. We have in place a 16-member prayer team that will pray daily (and confidentially) for your specific needs. To submit a prayer request, please email our Faith Community Nurse, Jean Larson at jean@wscongo.org.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This ministry is responsible for delivering prayer shawls, lap robes, or in the case of a child, a fleece blanket, to members of the congregation in need as specified by one of our ministers or Faith Community Nurse. Other members of the congregation make these items, which are delivered in a gift bag with a handwritten note and a prayer for healing to their recipient. If you are interested in knitting shawls or making fleece blankets, please contact Rev. Meredith Onion at Meredith@wscongo.org or our Faith Community Nurse Jean Larson at jean@wscongo.org.

Called to Care
Called to Care is comprised of volunteers who offer compassion, time, support and prayer to other members who may no longer be able to attend church or are experiencing an illness. These visiting lay care companions do not replace visits from First Congregational Church clergy or our Faith Community Nurse, but complement the visits made by the pastoral care team. Volunteers hold these relationships and conversations in confidence. Faith Community Nurse Jean Larson and Rev. Meredith Onion are the staff liaisons. Barry and Nancy Orr-Depner are the lay leaders. Please contact any of these liaisons if you would like to learn more, volunteer or be matched with a companion.
Caregiver Support Group
The Caregiver Support Group allows caregivers to talk to others who are experiencing the same joys and challenges, who not only can empathize, but also offer valuable insights and counsel.
Our group meets in the Seim Room the 2nd Monday of each month from 1:30–3pm.
Contact Faith Community Nurse Jean Larson at jean@wscongo.org with any questions.

Congo Cooks Meal Ministry
The Congo Cooks Meal Ministry helps us to care for one another by providing meals to members in need of help due to a hospitalization, injury, new baby, or other life challenge. Volunteers sign up on an as-needed basis to make and deliver a meal. To be added to this meal team of volunteers, please contact our Faith Community Nurse Jean Larson at Jean@wscongo.org.
An extension of the Meal Ministry is the Congo Cooks Soup Ministry which allows for us to have packaged homemade soup and bread frozen and available for our pastors and nurse to deliver when making pastoral visits.