A Message from Moderator, Kathy Vega
March 9, 2025
Dear Friends,
I am thrilled to announce the congregation has called Rev. Chrissy Tatum Williamson to be our next senior pastor.
This morning, we had the privilege of experiencing Chrissy’s ministry firsthand as she and Meredith led us in joy-filled worship. Following the service, we had a Congregational Meeting where we learned more about the wonderful gifts Chrissy brings to our congregation and the impact she has already had on members of the search committee, staff, and church council.
Congregation members had the chance to ask questions, whether they attended the meeting in person or watched it via the live stream. When it was time to vote, the congregation overwhelmingly chose to call Chrissy as our next senior pastor. The Holy Spirit was certainly with us this day!
In case you missed it, you can:
- Watch Chrissy’s sermon and other parts of the service including her acceptance speech
- Access a variety of materials on our website that will help you get to know Chrissy better, including her biography as well as several videos
Chrissy will begin her ministry with us on September 1, 2025. Rich will remain on staff for a period of overlap to ensure a smooth transition. Over the coming months, we will have many opportunities to welcome Chrissy, as well as celebrate the incredible gift of Rich’s forty-year ministry. Please watch the Wednesday and Saturday e-mails for further communications about these events.
What an exciting time in the life of our church! I am truly grateful for all the work that has gone into prayerfully and thoughtfully identifying, discerning and calling Chrissy Williamson to be our next senior pastor. I fully believe that she and our amazing church staff are going to do great things together — building on the tremendous foundation we already have and helping us further become who God is calling us to be!
Blessings and peace,
Kathy Vega

A Message from the Church as of March 7, 2025
We have arrived at an historic moment in the life of our congregation—the presentation of our candidate for Senior Minister. Ever since Rich announced his retirement, the Senior Minister Search Committee, led by Sonja Martinez and Brian Clarke, has worked tirelessly and faithfully to arrive at this moment when we will have the opportunity to meet their recommended candidate. We are excited to introduce the Rev. Chrissy Tatum Williamson who is endorsed by the Executive Committee, Church Council, and staff.
This Sunday, we invite you to meet Chrissy and hear her preach at our ONE SERVICE ONLY at 10:00 AM. Immediately following worship, we will hold a Congregational Meeting where you’ll learn more about the search process, have an opportunity to ask questions and vote on the candidate. You may attend and participate in person or online.
We hope to see everyone on Sunday! And don’t forget to wear your name tags.
A Message from Rev. Chrissy Tatum Williamson
Hello First Congo! I am so pleased to have been presented to you for call as your next Senior Pastor. I am humbled to follow in the footsteps of your beloved pastor, Reverend Rich Kirchherr. I am excited to join your gifted team of clergy and staff, celebrating the longevity of relationships and ministries that you have nurtured over the years.
Please allow me to share a bit about myself and know that I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you.
Formal Education
Union Theological Seminary, New York City, NY Master of Arts in Theology & Ethics (2011)
Wake Forest University School of Divinity, Winston Salem, NC Master of Divinity (2009)
Furman University, Greenville, SC Bachelor of Arts, French & Sociology (2006)
I am a minister of the Gospel.
I am called by the creative Spirit of God for the renewal of the church as a place of courageous welcome and boundless hospitality. I am emboldened by the need for prophetic voices of compassion, justice, and liberation in public life; and I am committed to the transformation of the world through the love of God and communion of the local church. I have been formed by the local churches of my youth and institutions of higher learning.
I am grateful to the faithful Sunday School teachers, lay leaders, and pastors of the three churches my family attended in my formative years. Their lessons, sermons, and examples of Christ-like sacrifice embodied beloved community and nurtured gifts in me that pointed me toward ordained Christian ministry. I count it an incredible privilege to have studied alongside creative and life-giving friends and under brilliant and inspiring faculty at Furman University, Wake Forest, and Union Theological Seminary. I am called to lead congregations of beloved community who are deeply committed to service and public witness. Thus far, I have served three churches in major metropolitan cities.
My initial call was to serve as Associate Director of Young Adult Ministries, with Riverside Church in New York City. Riverside is an inter-denominational Christian Church affiliated with the United Church of Christ and the progressive American Baptist Church. In that role I established a Sunday school class for young adults, created and led a coffee house, and organized other faith formation and fellowship opportunities. Three months into that call, my role expanded to include the title, Interim Director of Worship. In this position I designed, implemented and evaluated all aspects of worship.
My second call took me to Myers Park Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina, a church belonging to the Alliance of Baptists, Welcoming and Affirming Baptists tradition. While initially hired to serve as Youth Minister, my 8.5 year tenure included a lot of transition and enabled me to grow significantly in my gifts of ministerial leadership. After several years leading more than 100 youth and their families, I was asked to serve as Minister of Faith Formation and then Associate Minister. In the latter role, I functioned as the executive pastor, leading the staff team and lay leadership bodies. I was responsible for adult faith formation, communications, technology, and advocacy. During that time, I also had the privilege of working with guest speakers like Richard Rohr, Glennon Doyle, John Dominic Crossan, Miguel de la Torre, and David Brooks.
I created podcast series and new models for education on complex issues of faith like, racism, justice for immigrants and newcomers, and understanding the human body as an integral piece of the spiritual journey. I came to love preaching regularly and developed gifts for intergenerational pastoral care. During the latter years of my second call, I discerned a call to the pastorate and this discernment led me to my current call.
Today I serve as the Senior Pastor for Greystone Baptist Church, in Raleigh North Carolina. Greystone is affiliated with another progressive arm of the Baptist tradition – the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. I am proud to say that this congregation called me as their first female Senior Pastor in November of 2018. I lead a wonderful staff that includes three clergy, a Ministry and Communications Assistant, Property Manager, Music Director and Weekday Preschool Director. As I joined the church, Greystone desired a strong leader to help renew their governance model, clarify their unique identity, and create a clear mission and vision. The church needed leadership navigating conversations around key issues (sexuality, race, etc.) with grace and compassion. The church is now set to vote to adopt a new statement of welcome, making our welcoming and affirming stance for LGBTQ+ persons clear and public.
As this congregation prepares to adopt this new welcoming statement, we mark a critical transition point in our shared ministry. It is a time of endings and new beginnings. Seeing that transition on the horizon, I have begun to discern this new call. I am energized by the dynamic community of faith I have come to know at First Congo; and I am excited about the future that God has in store for us together.
Here is just a bit about me personally.
I am happily married to my husband Justin. We have one daughter Mia, who is 11 years old and in 6th grade. Together, we love to be outdoors, camp, ride bikes, read books, garden, or just play in the dirt. I am a life-long learner with a passion for social justice. When I am not working, you can often find me listening to a variety of music artists, including but not limited to, the Chicks, Hootie and the Blowfish, Lady Gaga, and Chris Stapleton.
You might ask: are we really ready for a move and as we move, are we ready to come north? First, I have been feeling the Spirit move for some time now, sensing that it is time for me to move onward. I will be leaving my congregation in a very good position as we come to the end of some significant shared work. Second, everything my family and I have seen and felt affirms this call. We are excited to join your welcoming congregation and the lovely communities surrounding First Congo. Lastly, Justin and I are under strict orders from Mia that if we are to be called to a new city, a new church and new congregation, we must move to a place with snow! (I think you have that covered.)
Let me close by again saying that I am energized by the dynamic community of faith at First Congo; and I am excited about the future that God has in store for us together. I am honored to be considered to serve as your next Senior Pastor.
Rev. Chrissy Tatum Williamson

March 9
Only one service at 10am
This will be a very special Sunday in the life of our congregation as the candidate for our next Sr. Minister introduces herself to the congregation and preaches. It is so appropriate that the Gospel reading for this Sunday is the story of the Good Samaritan, and how a stranger becomes a neighbor. The All-In Band, and the Chancel Choir will offer music to enhance our worship. A congregational meeting to learn more about the candidate will be held immediately after worship, culminating in the vote for the candidate. Voting options will be available remotely as well as in person.
The Senior Minister Search Process Overview
It will take a team to discern who our new senior minister will be. Below are some of the groups that will be involved and how they will work together.
The Senior Minister Search Committee is a group of congregational members who have volunteered their time and talents and have been approved by both Church Council and the congregation to help execute on this important mission. Our committee will be most involved in the search. Our first big job has been to digest the “all church survey” and complete the Senior Minister job description/Opportunity Profile for use during our search. Both the survey and the resulting profile reflect who we are, what our priorities are as a congregation, and what the profile is for next Senior Minister. Next, we have begun our initial networking and outreach efforts. Our profile has been sent to UCC and has been posted across relevant periodicals and job sites. As a result of these recruiting and solicitation efforts, we will begin to receive and review profiles of potential candidates. The committee will select and assess candidates for consideration by, and final interviews with Executive Committee with subsequent approval by Church Council and YOU – our congregation.
We do want to be clear that our Search Committee is very much committed to a consensus -driven model. With this, we are committed to only moving a candidate forward assuming we all agree that we have our final candidate.
Although the Search Committee will take the lead in finding the new senior minister, the Executive Committee will remain involved in the process. For example, Kathy Vega and Tom Mitchell (our Moderator and Associate Moderator) will stay in regular contact with the Search Committee as well as the National HQ of the UCC and the Illinois Conference. The Executive Committee will also work with the pastors, the church communications team and others to “unpack” the survey results and develop ways to effectively communicate them to the congregation. The Search Committee will keep the results in mind as they speak to prospective candidates, and the church will also be sharing these results with our new Senior Minister when we begin the Minister transition. Once our Search Committee has presented the final candidate(s) to the Executive Committee for consideration, if one or more is suitable, the Executive Committee will recommend a final candidate to Church Council for their consideration.
Once our Search Committee has finished its work and they have presented the final candidate(s) for consideration, if one or more is suitable, the Executive Committee will recommend a final candidate to Church Council for their consideration.
The National Headquarters of the United Church of Christ oversees the UCC Profiles Office. This office manages the UCC Ministerial Profiles Portal and the UCC Ministry Opportunities Listing. Using these web-based resources, we can attract and interview candidates from all over the country.
The Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ is our regional association and the third-largest UCC conference in the country. Part of its mission is to support Illinois Conference congregations as we begin and conduct our search over the next several months. The Illinois Conference offices may also be sharing candidate profiles with us and can help us through the search process if needed, as well.
The Congregation – YOU will also play an important role! We will be providing a variety of ways for you to share your voice as we work to discern our church’s priorities and who God is calling us to be. YOU will also ultimately vote on calling our new Senior Minister. So, please feel free to share your hopes and dreams as well as your worries or concerns about a new Senior Minister — all feedback will be helpful.
If you have any questions about the process or the timeline, please contact Brian Clarke and Sonja Martinez by clicking the button below.
Our Senior Minister
The Role in Our Church’s History and Its Future
As we look to the future, we are excited to find a Senior Pastor who will guide our growing church family, deepen our faith, and help us continue to live out our mission with love and purpose.
Please click the button below to read more.
Senior Minister Search Committee Covenant
The members of the Search Committee for First Congo have been selected recognizing the impact of its efforts, deliberations, and recommendations to the church, its mission, ministries, and the spiritual health of our congregation. To review in more detail what the Search Committee Covenant includes, please click below:
Senior Minister Search Timeline
The committee will be regularly communicating with the congregation as to the status of our search. You can find updates by clicking the button below:
UCC Local Church Profile
The new Local Church Profile is not just for congregations in search of a pastor. All congregations are encouraged to engage in its process of discovery every 3–5 years. The UCC Local Church Profile reflects valuable data, assesses ministry, clarifies change, and helps advance the calling of the congregation. Not just to be completed by a search committee – the more participation, the better! To download the UCC Local Church Profile, please click the button below: