SMALL GROUP Faith & Fellowship

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Once a month (or so) — At a different burger joint (times and locations vary)

This group of men BUILDS FRIENDSHIPS over a burger and a beverage.

Since 2016, BNO has raised $10,000 for BEDS Plus, our local homeless services agency.

Get the BNO emails. Sign up on Realm or email Mark Laubacher.


Fridays, 12PM
Seim Room

Meetings include prayer, a brief video or lesson, open discussion, which often veers into unexpected directions as the Spirit leads us, sharing of joys and concerns, and friendly conversation. And bring your lunch!

Friday friends
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Holy Grounds

Sip good coffee & connect in the Parlor or Light Court

HOLY GROUNDS, our extended coffee hour, offers a variety of discussions and topics weekly for your participation. Join us before and after the 10am service in the Parlor or Light Court for a faith-filled coffee, food and fellowship before and after worship!

Justice Ministries

Our hope for this group is to live into the many scripture references that call us to “act justly.” Our desire is to have faithful, respectful conversations and to share resources and ideas for how we might truly take steps to make our world just for each and every person. We will share our ideas, interesting articles, or calls to action that we become aware of. And please know that we will not always agree on what steps need to be taken — but we will strive to respect one another’s desires, opinions, and ways in which we will choose to work toward justice.

We are encouraged by this statement from a Brother from the Society of St. John: “The task before us is enormous. Justice and liberty for all will not happen overnight. But each one of us can do one thing that will make a difference in our world.”

Join our Justice Ministries group to be inspired to action. For more information, If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to Meredith Onion at And to be added to the Realm group, please email

The Justice & Inclusion Ministry logo
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Eleven10 Connection

Sundays at 11:10AM following worship! Open to all ages!

Join us after the 10AM worship on Sundays for discussions and speakers on a variety of topics. Questions? Contact Childcare provided upon request.

Lectio Divina

Mondays, 10am
Via Zoom

Lectio divina is a slow, rhythmic reading and praying of a Scripture passage. Members of the group take turns reading a passage chosen each week.  We notice what arises within us as we hear the passage read. Then we read it again, and then again, noticing what words and phrases touch our hearts and notice the feelings that arise. We are then invited to respond to God about whatever is stirring within us and pray with the passage. Finally, we rest and let God respond and speak to us.  

If you are interested in learning more, please reach out to Meredith Onion at

Men's Boundary Water Trip in 2019

Men’s Breakfast

From September through May on the second Saturday of every month, the men of the church are invited to come together for light breakfast, hearty fellowship, and an interesting program. The Men’s Faith & Fellowship Breakfasts begin at 7:45 am, typically in the Seim Room, and end by 9 am. The group is led by our Senior Minister Rich Kirchherr.

Please contact Rich at 708.246.1900 or with any questions or additional information.

Moms in Faith – Mornings

Friday mornings, 9–11AM from September to May
Seim Room, 2nd floor

Moms in Faith (Friday Morning Chapter) is a fellowship group that gathers together to discuss a variety of topics, grow in our faith, and share our journeys of motherhood. Relevant books, podcasts, panels, guest speakers and more will help to inspire our conversations. You do not have to be a member of First Congo to join the group, and there is no age limit — participants are raising children age birth through college.

We will gather most Friday mornings from 9–11AM. Childcare will be offered! 

Members of Moms in Faith are encouraged to pay $50 each semester to cover program expenses. Scholarships are available if this is a barrier to participation. Reach out to Jess Root if you’d like more information.

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Moms in Faith – Evening

2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 7–8PM
Seim Room, 2nd floor

The evening chapter of Moms in Faith is coordinated by Jeannette Lloyd. This small group ministry gathers the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 7–8PM for devotions, fellowship, and prayer.

To learn more, contact Jeannette Lloyd at or call 708.246.1900.

Refugee Resettlement

Working under our Mission and Outreach committee and in conjunction with an agency called RefugeeOne, our mission is to help resettle refugee families from countries like South Sudan, Syria, Eritrea, and Afghanistan. Our church has been involved with this ministry for more than 55 years.

Our efforts in action:

May 26, 2021: Five years ago, the family was forced to separate. While Mweniake and her son were allowed into the U.S., her husband was not, so he stayed behind in a refugee camp in Tanzania. See their reunion that took place at O’Hare Airport and our own Clare Kralovec telling the story of First Congo’s role in helping our RefugeeOne family.

Refugee-One reunion

Resettling families can mean meeting the family at O’Hare and bringing them home to their apartment, acquiring furniture for and setting up their apartment fully prior to their arrival, visiting them weekly for their first six months here in the US, helping them navigate our complex world, and learning English. Some specific tasks include taking them to grocery stores that have foods they are familiar with and teaching them how things work —weighing produce, the cost of meat, checking out at the register, etc. Other tasks can include teaching our refugee friends how to drive or taking them to a doctor’s appointment. We are their friends and often the closest thing they have to family here and we do whatever we can to help them assimilate to our culture, while respecting their customs and religion. It is an extremely rewarding process to be involved in.  

About Refugee One

RefugeeOne is an organization that creates opportunity for refugees fleeing war, terror, and persecution to build new lives of safety, dignity, and self-reliance. Since 1982, RefugeeOne has helped more than 15,000 refugees build new lives in Chicago. Alongside sponsors and volunteers, it greets refugees at the airport, supports refugee children in school, assists with integration into American culture, helps adults learn English and employable skills, and connects them to their first jobs.

Contact: Kim Nichol at


Thursdays from 5 – 6:30PM

Seek.Pray.Love. is a small group of women exploring their faith together, who meet on Thursdays from 5 – 6:30PM in one another’s homes. We invite you to join us — we’ve been waiting for you!

If you’re interested in learning more or joining the group, please email Meredith Onion at logo (Portrait)

Thursday Morning Women’s Book Group

Women of all ages gather on Thursday mornings from 9:15 – 11AM September through May to engage with books and each other, to deepen our theological understanding, and to help walk the Christian path with integrity, purpose, and passion.  Every session includes sharing our joys and concerns. We also laugh a lot!

The group meets in the Seim Room from 9:15–11AM every Thursday.  A Zoom option is also available.  Interested, please contact Meredith Onion.

Together Women Rise

(formerly dining for women)

2nd Tuesdays evenings, location varies.

The chapter enjoys a meal together; it may be in someone’s home or at church. Members share camaraderie and learn about that month’s featured grantees through videos, educational documents, and presentations, as well as free and open discussion. The money raised each month goes to fund the featured and sustained grantees, as well as support the entire mission of Together Women Rise.

Contact: Laurel Seidelman,

An intergenerational group for women that focus on service, fellowship and faith. Chapters meet every month and general meetings are held where business is discussed and a short program is given.

If you are interested in becoming part of this group, please contact Nancy O’Brien at

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Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available Friday evenings at 7PM in the Parlor. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem.


Meets 6–7PM on Mondays & Thursdays in the Library 

Pills Anonymous is a 12-step recovery program for people who have a dependence on mood-altering prescriptions drugs, such as opiates, benzodiazepine, and stimulants. 

Please contact Jan Yount if you are interested in getting connected.
