Sunday School Program

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Sunday school is offered during both the 8:45 and 10AM worship services:
8:45AM: One-room schoolhouse
– 10AM: 6th & 7th graders can go straight to Sunday school in the classrooms of the Education building. Sunday school for ages 3 through 5th grade begins following First Steps during the 10AM worship service (around 10:15AM).

*Childcare will be available for children 3 and under during both services.

Confirmation class is offered to 8th graders during the worship service in the fall and early evening in the winter and spring.

Mission statement for Sunday school at First Congregational Church of Western Springs:

First Congregational Church of Western Springs is committed to providing a welcoming and safe Sunday School experience for children in preschool through seventh grade, followed by the Confirmation experience for children in the eighth grade.  

Our children will learn of God’s love as they deepen their relationship with God. Through the sharing of joys and concerns, our children will experience a community of faith, build empathy with their classmates, experience prayer, and know that God is always with them as a friend and comforter. They will foster a personal relationship with the loving God revealed in Jesus Christ by exploring Bible stories. They will engage with scripture messages through activities that provide examples of how they might become messengers of God’s love.  

Our children and their families will be empowered to live out their faith, becoming Christ’s hands and feet in the world and joining in the shared mission of the First Congregational Church of Western Springs. 

Teach Sunday School

We would love for you to be part of our Sunday school teaching team! We hope to create an inter-generational team of teachers, so we invite all who are 15 – 99 years old to be part of this important ministry at First Congo. We welcome all to be part of the faith development of our children. 

PLEASE CLICK BELOW to watch this BRIEF video on the joys of teaching Sunday School:

Sunday School is offered year-round during our Sunday morning worship services for children ages 3 years through 8th grade. Regardless of age, our hope is to convey to all children that they are beloved children of God. As a church family, we respond to that love in the way we care for ourselves, each other, our neighbors locally and globally, and God’s world. In our classes, we practice together all those things that loving Christians do: pray, give thanks, comfort, defend, forgive and repent, in a safe and supportive atmosphere. And of course, we learn from (not just about) the Biblical stories of people who have experienced God’s power and love in their messy lives.

Infant and childcare is offered in our nursery for children 3 years and younger at 9am and 10:30am. Starting at 10am there is childcare available for all ages as well.

How it Works

Summer Sunday School takes place from June 11 – August 20 (excluding July 2) and will be the “One-room schoolhouse” model. Children ages 3 to 3rd grade will meet in the Fireplace preschool room. The theme for summer 2023 is friendship, following the worship sermon theme.  Older children may help out in the class or worship with their families.

From September – May, children meet in the Light Court following “First Steps,” the children’s message in the worship service. Children in preschool to junior high will meet for Sunday school.

Childcare is provided during worship for children 3 and younger year-round.

Sunday School kids holding bibles
First Congo Summer Sunday School kids coloring


The Sunday school classes use lessons from the DWELL curriculum, which actively engages kids in God’s story using interactive games, reflective wondering, dramatic storytelling, and a whole lot of fun. Colorful story symbols create visual timelines; wondering questions draw children into God’s Big Story; and wonderfully illustrated children’s resources provide support to families. ​

For more information, contact Jen Enriquez at

Each Sunday school class begins with “Joys and Concerns,” which helps to foster fellowship and a sense of community. The children pray together and they all lift up these joys and concerns to God.The curriculum also engages the children by asking “wondering questions,” so they can think about the works of God and how it applies to their own lives. The teachers are intentional about creating a warm and welcoming environment for all children.

Milestone Lessons

The Christian Education committee of First Congregational church has created special topic lessons for each grade level. These special lessons are referred to as Milestone lessons. These lessons introduce and reinforce special topics that are not part of the curriculum. The topics rotate on a two-year cycle for those in Kindergarten through 7th grade. These lessons are usually taught in November.

  • Kindergarten and 1st graders learn about the labyrinth and prayer.
  • 2nd & 3rd graders learn about the Lord ’s Prayer and the 23rd Psalm.
  • 4th graders study the Bible: The 4th grade Bible study is a five-week unit that usually starts in February. They will learn about stories in the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible and how to use the Bible for guidance and comfort. In March, each child will be presented with their own Bible during worship.
  • The 5th graders learn about the sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion, specifically Jesus’ baptism, and the significance of baptism in their life. Jen Enriquez and Pastor Meredith teach the children about communion and offers the sacrament to them during class.
  • The 6th & 7th graders learn about the 10 Commandments and participate in a unit addressing loss and grief.
First Congo Sunday School milestone lessons
First Congo kids

What Goes on?

The Sunday school classes are taught by two volunteer teachers from our family of faith and are provided with easy-to-follow lesson plans and activity suggestions. The same lesson is taught at both hours and families may choose from week to week which time to attend. 

Our Sunday School Teachers

First Congo is blessed to have inspiring Sunday School teachers who often leave the class with a lesson themselves.

Take a look at what the Sunday School teachers have to say about this important ministry of our church:

  • “Anytime the children walk into Sunday School they are submerged in the teaching of the church and the Bible. The lessons have definitely helped them grow in their religion.”
  • “It was awesome to hear their creative ideas on their faith. This is a great program and really had wonderful discussions with kids.”
  • “It meant so much to me getting to bond with all of students…”
  • “The children conveyed what was learned to their parents and also talked about something we did later in the year (in Sunday School and/or when I casually encountered them).”
  • “We had wonderful discussions and spoke many times about their Faith Journeys and their Faith Formation. They were very candid. We all grew and learned through our sharing.”

Several times during the year, a family service is planned for children in 2nd grade and up to worship together as a family, while children 3 years-old to 1st grade enjoy special services titled “Wee Worship,” which are held in the Chapel.

If you have any questions about the Sunday school classes or the curriculum, please contact Jen Enriquez at or 708-246-1900.

First Congo babies
Jen Enriquez photo
Jen Enriquez
Director of Children’s Ministries
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