The Green Team

The Green Team has as its mission to promote environmentally responsible behavior within the church and by its members and the greater community. Toward that end, the Green Team seeks to provide guidance to our congregation and community on wise practices to preserve and protect God’s creation.
The Green Team is always working on ways to make the church and church activities more “green.” At the November 2019 Green Forum planning session, the Green Team formed small committee groups to pursue:
- Solar initiatives
- Environmental education
- Community partnerships
TAKE THE GREEN TEAM CHALLENGE: Here’s a list of things you can add or change in each room/area of your house to help make a difference. Start by changing just ONE THING!
If you’d like to join The Green Team or would like more information, please contact Co-chairs Sue Klein or Stephen Baker.
Monthly Styrofoam Collections
The Green Team spearheaded, and now co-sponsors with the Village of Western Springs, monthly Styrofoam (#6 polystyrene) collections for recycling by Dart Container, keeping the non-degradable material from landfills. Collections take place on the 1st Saturday of each month in the parking lot of the Western Springs Recreational Center at 1500 Walker St. from 9am – 12pm. To volunteer, please contact Dan Rusk.

What are you going to do with all that stuff?!
Our Green Team has created a comprehensive list of resources to help you with SPRING CLEANING! CLICK HERE to discover resources for disposing of unwanted items, whether paper (shredding), cleaning supplies, clothing or recycling collections!

A special thanks to Ethan Pruitt!
A special thank you to Ethan Pruitt, who recently earned his Environmental Science Merit Badge for Boy Scouts, for sharing this terrific resource for kids: It’s a kid’s guide to recycling fun! Ethan liked that it explained what recycling was and the importance of it. It also includes a ton of other resources on recycling to explore and learn from! Thanks, Ethan, and congratulations on receiving your Merit Badge!

We were so thrilled to receive this letter from Lisa Garcia about her daughter Maria’s Sustainability Project and her use of our resources! Great job, Maria!

Meet Joe Skvara
If you’d like to volunteer for any Green Team initiative, contact Joe Skvara at joeskvara@gmail.com.
Below are a few examples of our Green Team initiatives.
The Green Expo was held in the Earth Day month of April 2019 and 2023 to teach others how to be good stewards of God’s creation! Some Green Table Topics and Resources included:
- Tree Conservation
- Toxic Lawn Chemicals/Mosquito Abatement
- Home and Community Solar
- Youth Education and Crafts
- Reducing Consumption Resources
- Composting
- Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
- Honey Bees
- SCARCE Display “Where does it go?”
- Styrofoam Collection/Repurposing
Click HERE to discover more Green Expo topics.

We hope to hold another Green Expo soon! Check the website periodically for updates.

Pumpkin Smash
The Green Team, along with the Village, holds a “Pumpkin Smash” composting event the Saturday after Halloween. Since 2020 over 6,000 pumpkins have been turned into compost and saved from the landfill.

The Green Team ensures all rooms/offices in the church have trash AND recycling bins.
The Green Team educates the congregation about green initiatives and simple things they can do at home to be “greener.” They hope to hold another Green Expo soon!
The Green Team has previously organized a plastic bottle cap collection. The Team collected more than 800 lbs. of caps that were used to make two benches. The benches were then donated to Pilgrim Park and Tower Hill Camps — sister UCC camps in IL and MI.
The Green Team ensures all rooms/offices in the church have trash AND recycling bins.
The Green Team began collecting discarded holiday lights in three locations throughout Western Springs (Village Hall, Village True Hardware, and Thomas Ford Memorial Library) for recycling through a program with Elgin Recycling. Collections run from mid-November through January 31 each year.

The Green Team has been active during rummage sales, collecting and recycling unused cardboard and plastic bags.
The Green Team has promoted the use of ceramic, melamine and glass during coffee hour and special events to eliminate the use non-recyclable cups and paper products.
The Green Team is looking for new members to fulfill its mission. If you are interested in joining the group or would like more information, please contact Sue Klein at 708.502.0231 or Joe Skvara at 708.990.1325. Join the “Environmental Enthusiasts” group on Realm for updates, too!

Click below if you missed The Green Team’s Feb. 27 talk on How to Create a Nature Oasis in Your Yard:
Green Team Resources & Tips
The Green Team promotes environmentally responsible behavior within the church and by its members. The Green Team has put together tip sheets with resources to help make reducing, reusing, and recycling easier for you.
Click here for tips for resources on how to make REDUCING, RECYCLING, and REUSING easier.
Click here for a list of eco-friendly GROCERY ITEMS for everyday household use.
Click here for wise practices and purchases in the KITCHEN.
Click here for wise practices and purchases in the BATHROOM.
Click here for information on COMPOSTING.
Click here to learn HOW TO MAKE A T-SHIRT BAG.
Click here for information on RAIN BARREL and RAIN GARDENS.
From our Friends of Bay Minette (FOBM.org), click here for a GUIDE TO GOING GREEN AT HOME.
Tips from our friends
Here’s a great resource sent to us by Amelia, an enthusiastic young student of StudyMap.org. Amelia participated in a fun and educational small group project on sustainability and shared this piece that she and her father found together on sustainable action. A Guide to Green Shopping includes a great breakdown on sustainable shopping practices, buying green, buying local, fair trade, reducing and reusing, and more! Thanks, Amelia! Keep up the good work!
Throw it Away…
But Where is Away?
Click on the links in the images below to get the answer and more information:
Click here for information on our Monthly Village Styrofoam Collection!