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8:45 & 10AM Worship

From September to May, join us for Sunday morning worship services at 8:45AM and 10AM in the Sanctuary.

During the summer, we offer a single worship service at 9:30AM. During the month of July, worship will often be held outdoors on the lawn (weather permitting) at 9:30AM.

For detailed information about our worship services, click below.

Eleven10 Connection

Sundays at 11:10AM following worship. Discussions and speakers on a variety of topics. Questions? Contact Meredith@wscongo.org. Childcare provided upon request. Open to all ages!

1110 connection logo
First Congo church at home on a tv


For those who prefer to worship from home, we live-stream our 10AM service during the year and our 9:30AM service during the summer, in addition to some of our other events, on our YouTube channel (click below).


Missed a Sunday? Click below to listen to any of our past sermon or our new Curious Kids Faithful Answers Podcast.

A podcast microphone
Geraniums on sale for the Women's Society Flower Sale 2021


Altar Flowers are a wonderful way to commemorate special events, honor certain individuals, and memorialize family members and friends.  The Altar Flowers will be provided by our current florist and will be present on the altar on the Sunday selected by the donor. The cost to order flowers is currently $55.00. The commemoration will be noted in the bulletin and the donor will be able to take home the flowers or donate the flowers to a member in need of some TLC.

Please send the name(s) of the individuals you’d like to honor to Beth Tracy.


Sip good coffee & connect in the Parlor or Light Court

From September to May, join us in the Parlor or Light Court of the Education building for a faith-filled coffee, food and fellowship hour before and after the 10AM worship.

During the summer months, Holy Grounds will often take place on the lawn (weather permitting) following the 9:30AM worship service.

HOLY GROUNDS offers a variety of discussions and topics weekly for your participation. Please check the calendar for details.

Do you have an occasion you’d like to celebrate or a friend or a family member you’d like to honor? Contact Lisa McTigue at lisa@wscongo.org to discuss a Holy Grounds sponsorship.

Holy Grounds -IG

Sunday School

Sunday School for children is offered during our 8:45am and 10am worship services. Children, preschoolers through 5th graders, normally attend the opening part of the service with their parents and are dismissed for Sunday school following “First Steps,” the message delivered just for them on the front steps of the chancel. 

For the 10am service, children meet their Sunday school teachers and then head to their individual classrooms for learning. Eighth graders meet for Confirmation classes in the morning during the fall and in the afternoon during the winter and spring. 

Sunday school for 6th and 7th graders is only offered at the 10am service and this group goes directly to their classrooms prior to the start of the service.

On the first Sunday of each month, all children return to the Sanctuary to participate in Communion.

During the summer, Sunday school is available for children up to 5th grade only.

Childcare is available for infants to 3-year-old children during worship. 

For more information, visit the Children’s Ministries page on the website.

Though children do not need to register for Sunday school, it is helpful for the church for parents to complete the registration form for their children.


The sacrament of communion is a powerful and important ritual in the practice of our faith.  We recognize that many of you worship with us from home or from out of town. We hope this video communion service is an opportunity for you to bring your own bread and juice, and your open heart, to Christ’s table wherever you are — for there Christ will be also. Click below to view it.
